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Now Hiring! The Alpharetta Department of Public Safety

By Jim Cheatham

There are currently numerous vacancies in the police and 911 ranks. Fire, thankfully, is fully staffed as of July 30. Being understaffed seems to be a national trend, as many departments around the country are facing shortages, especially among their police ranks. The natural question is, Why?

Being in public safety, especially a police officer, is not for everyone. When the economy is good, we see fewer applicants, as we are not their first choice. The allure of financial opportunities, better work hours, and better workdays can all be reasons, though that is a matter of perspective. And lets face it, you dont have to watch the news long to get a feeling that its tough, even dangerous, to be a police officer right now.

When applicants do decide on the police profession, they compare agencies regarding salary, benefits, equipment, and training offered. The Alpharetta Department of Public Safety is competitive, and even though how it compares to others is in a constant state of change, the Department has a long history of keeping up with the change and staying competitive.

What the Department has, that not all other agencies have, is an incredibly supportive community. The Department strives to be open and transparent with the community; this relationship is a priority not just lip service. This relationship is incredibly important it can even be lifesaving. Other agencies may target recruiting efforts towards places where it is tough to be a police officer, places where there is a strained relationship with the community. The Alpharetta Department of Public Safety is never on that list.

Why is this so important? Community relations is a constant, all-hands-on-deck job. Families and individuals move to Alpharetta; and corporations and small businesses relocate or originate in Alpharetta because they feel an attraction, an identification, with the city. They became stakeholders in making Alpharetta a great place to live, work, and play. The 911 dispatchers, police officers, and firefighters are passionate about their role in the overall health and well-being of the community. The citizens of Alpharetta make it easy.

Public safety is a calling for those in the profession, but the community is right there with them. From the waves on the street, the conversations on the sidewalks, the visits to the police station or any of the
fire stations, to support from local churches and civic organizations, the community is always supportive.

Alpharetta Public Safety feels your support and is very thankful!

The Alpharetta Public Safety Department will continue to grow with the community and work on being the best we can be. Call, message, or stop by to discuss how the Department can enhance your quality of life.

Police officer and 911 dispatcher positions are currently open.