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Community Partner: Team Maggie's Dream

Your life or your dreams? What a terrible decision to have to make. Choose to submit to the toxic treatment that will save your life, and you may lose your dream of having a child. It happens
to many young people each year.

For Team Maggies Dream namesake Maggie Davis, it was a blindside. She needed to focus on her brutal cancer treatment, but she was worried about never having children. Sure, there are other ways to have a family, but she felt that her childhood dream of being a mother to little girls had been taken away.

Infertility is a common side effect of some cancer treatments. It affects young men and women who undergo surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and targeted hormonal therapies. Sadly, many are not warned of this side effect. Those who are informed of the possibilities must then rush to find resources and financial support.

Time is of the essence. Generally, cancer treatment starts soon after diagnosis. The arrangements to harvest and freeze eggs or sperm often take longer than the patient has. Fertility preservation is not covered by insurance and costs around $10,000 just for the initial procedure.

Maggies story is one of hope and positivity. Her large, gregarious family came together and spoke to fertility doctors and oncologists to educate themselves. They felt as though they were navigating new territory without a map.

Fortunately, Maggies journey was a success. She completed her treatment and is cancer free. And her dream of a family came true as well. She has a beautiful little girl.

The result of this difficult expedition had another positive outcome. After experiencing the frantic and confusing process of cancer treatment and fertility preservation, Maggie and her mother, Mary, decided that no other young person should have to make their own way.

They established Team Maggies Dream, a 501c3 nonprofit, to educate young people about their options and assist with funding. The organization works with oncologists and fertility doctors.

To keep the dream of family alive, Team Maggies Dream supports, educates, and provides financial assistance to young men and women with cancer who are seeking to preserve fertility prior to treatment. The organization is the only nonprofit in the nation that raises money for fertility preservation for cancer patients.

Team Maggie invites you to help courageous young people battling cancer realize that when the time is right, they can pursue the gift of family. Your generosity can become the blessing of
a cherished child.

To donate or to participate in a fundraising event (Fishing Tournament, 5/10K Run, Bike Ride, or Maggies Dream Night), please visit the website or call for more information.

227 Hillcrest Drive
Roswell, GA 30075