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Book Review: Orphan Island

By Annell Gerson

Imagine living on an island with no adults where bees dont sting; snakes dont bite; wild kittens run free; food abounds; and children can jump off a high cliff only to have the wind repel them back to their starting point. Welcome to Orphan Island, a magical world created by Atlanta poet, essayist, and author Lauren Snyder. Released by Harper Collins in May, 2017, Orphan Island was promptly long-listed for the 2017 National Book Award for Young Peoples Literature.

For who knows how many boat years (no actual measure of time exists on the island other than sleeps and time between arrivals of the green boat), nine children inhabit a beautiful, peaceful island. Although each child has his/her strength, all obediently perform chores, which allows the group to live harmoniously. Each time the green boat lands on the shore, a Changing occurs. The boat brings a new, young, child to the island; the second-oldest child removes the newcomer from the boat and becomes the person responsible for that new child. The oldest child then climbs aboard the boat, and sails away. Thus, the Changing is complete.

Though not written down, the children have always followed rules for this ritual. The children do not know where the boat comes from or where it goes. They dont know why they are sent to the island or who sends them. When they arrive, they can barely speak, and by the time they leave, they have no memory of their previous life.

When Jinny becomes the oldest, she begins to question. Why would a mother send her child away to an island alone? Why did her best friend have to go? Why must she leave the only home she has ever known? Will she ever again see her friend and all the others who have left?

Orphan Island is the best kind of book the kind that allows readers to delve into a metaphorical wonderland of possible meanings with no right or wrong interpretation.